Agenda item

Develop a Vision for the work of SACRE in the next Financial Year - Development Plan


The aim of SACRE in promoting quality Religious Education in schools was discussed. The ideas that had come about during the previous meeting were put to the Mrs Fageant, who advised that several of these ideas could be instigated very quickly.


These were:


  • The SACRE newsletter. A newsletter would be drafted for the next school term, notifying schools of what SACRE can offer.
  • School visits of Places of Worship. A list of suitable places of worship within Slough, and incorporating Windsor and Maidenhead, was to be compiled that could then be forwarded to schools for the purpose of class visits.
  • Collective Worship. It was confirmed that within Ms Fageant’s team was a colleague with expertise on collective worship, who could prepare a training document containing the legal requirements and best practice, to be forwarded to schools.


In addition, the need for training of RE teachers was discussed, particularly around the use of the Discover RE resource. Ms Fageant confirmed that she would look into organising an introductory meeting for teachers and community members, to identify who required the training. It was also proposed that SACRE should employ some kind of evaluation of the training once it had been held, potentially through an online tool such as Survey Monkey.


The budget for the forthcoming year was discussed. Robin Crofts,  confirmed that the budget was set at £5,000.00, and that if there was any money left over at the end of the year, that this would be carried over into the budget for 2015/16.


It was also pointed out that SACRE could ask for the return of any money unused by Montem School RE Trail. Ms Lynda Bussley confirmed that she would review exactly how much could be recouped. Robin Crofts advised that this could be ring fenced as part of Z-Code, and would review this before feeding this detail back to the next SACRE meeting.


Resolved –  


That Ms Fageant will progress the following:


1.  SACRE Newsletter

2.  List of Slough Places of Worship

3.  Collective Worship Training Document

4.  Introductory Meeting to identify training needs


That Mrs Bussley will review the value of money available to be recouped from Montem School RE Trail.


That Mr Crofts review Z-Code ring fencing, to be confirmed at the next SACRE meeting.

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