Agenda item

P/02114/021 - Slough & Eton C Of E School, Ragstone Road, Slough, SL1 2PU

Officer Recommendation: Delegate to DM Lead Officer




Erection of a two storey pitched roof building for use as a science block to provide 8 no. science laboratories and associated offices, meeting rooms and preparation rooms following demolition of existing single storey buildings.

Refused:-The proposed development in terms of its scale and sitting in close proximity to the boundary with the residential properties in Ragstone Road, would result in a significant overbearing impact and an unacceptable level of overshadowing, thereby resulting in a significant loss of amenity for these residents, contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework, Core Policy 8 of  the Slough Local Development Framework, Core Strategy 2006 – 2026, Development Plan Document, December 2008 and Policy EN1 of The Adopted Local Plan for Slough 2004.


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