Agenda item

Former Total Oil Terminal, Langley


The Strategic Lead, Planning Policy and Projects introduced a report, seeking  Member views as to whether the former Total Oil terminal could be redeveloped for higher density housing as part of a new hub around Langley Railway Station.


Members were advised that it was anticipated a planning application may be submitted for residential development on the former Total Oil depot and it was possible that the proposal would be for family housing.  The site was identified in the Site Allocations DPD as an area where the preferred use would be residential.  The Officer discussed the location of the site, being next to the Langley railway station (and the future Crossrail), within walking distance of the Harrow market District Shopping Centre.


The Committee was advised that the key issue was whether the site should be developed for family housing or whether it should be utilised for more intensive development which could increase the supply of housing in the Borough.  In view of this Member’s views were sought so that Officers’ could  engage in discussions with the owners of the site to see whether a medium or high density scheme would be appropriate.


The Committee discussed the report and in principle, Members were in agreement that the site could be used for a hub, provided that there was a mix of housing (i.e. not only high density). It was also requested that any such housing should fit in with its surroundings. 


Resolved-  That the report and Member’s views be noted.


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