Agenda item

Membership 2014 - Verbal Report


Members discussed the position regarding the current SACRE membership and an update on the actions taken to fill the vacancies was provided.


Islam: An expression of interest had been received from Mr Waqar Bhatti, who attending the meeting as an observer. It was noted that subject to other nominations, Mr Bhatti’s nomination be put forward to Council for appointment to SACRE.


Judaism: Jo Fageant confirmed she would continue to attempt to source nominations for this vacancy.


C of E: Jo Fageant confirmed that she would continue to attempt to source a replacement to fill this position.


It was noted that Linda Lewis, as representative of VOICE, was now confirmed as appointed to SACRE following the most recent Council meeting in June.


Finally, it was confirmed that the length of SACRE membership was three years, and that this length of term would be added to all documentation when appointing new members. All current SACRE members were advised that their Membership would run until 2017.