Agenda item

Review of Constitution and Related Matters


It was moved by Councillor Swindlehurst,

Seconded by Councillor Anderson,


“ (a) That progress on the Review of the Constitution be noted.


(b)  That the proposed changes to the following Sections of the Constitution be approved as set out in the attached Appendices and incorporated in the Constitution to take effect from 1st June 2014:


·  Part 4.3 – Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules

·  Part 4.6 - Financial Procedure Rules

·  Audit and Risk Committee - Terms of Reference

·  Employment and Appeals Committee - Terms of Reference

·  Council procedure rules

·  Overview and Scrutiny Procedure rules

·  Overarching Scheme of Delegation to Officers (Parts 1, 2 and 3).


(c)  That it be noted that work on the Employee Code of Conduct and Contracts and Procurement element of the Financial Procedure Rules is ongoing and will be reported to the Council in due course.


(d)  That the actions being taken to revise the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be endorsed.


(e)  That the Head of Democratic Services be authorised to amend the current published Constitution to reflect Council Structures, legislative requirements and other administrative amendments as necessary.


(f)  That the Member Panel on the Constitution be reappointed at the annual meeting in June 2014 to monitor the effectiveness of the Constitution and consider further amendments to it. 


Public Questions at Budget meetings


(g)  That no further action be taken on Councillor Smith’s recommendation on Public Questions at Budget Council meetings - paragraphs 5.41 – 5.43 refer.


Webcasting/Filming meetings


(h)  That the draft protocol for filming meetings attached at Appendix 8 to the report be approved subject to any amendments required following the publication of the expected Regulations and any consequential changes be made to the Council Procedure Rules.


(i)  That the Curve is enabled to support webcasting meetings in the future and any budget implications of this proposal be considered in 2014/15.


(j)  That the Council does not commence webcasting of meetings before the completion of The Curve.

The recommendations were put to the vote and carried by 31 votes to 2 votes with 6 abstentions.


Resolved -


(a)  That progress on the Review of the Constitution be noted.


(b)  That the proposed changes to the following Sections of the Constitution be approved as set out in the attached Appendices and incorporated in the Constitution to take effect from 1st June 2014:


·  Part 4.3 – Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules

·  Part 4.6 - Financial Procedure Rules

·  Audit and Risk Committee - Terms of Reference

·  Employment and Appeals Committee - Terms of Reference

·  Council procedure rules

·  Overview and Scrutiny Procedure rules

·  Overarching Scheme of Delegation to Officers (Parts 1, 2 and 3).


(c)  That it be noted that work on the Employee Code of Conduct and Contracts and Procurement element of the Financial Procedure Rules is ongoing and will be reported to the Council in due course.


(d)  That the actions being taken to revise the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be endorsed.


(e)  That the Head of Democratic Services be authorised to amend the current published Constitution to reflect Council Structures, legislative requirements and other administrative amendments as necessary.


(f)  That the Member Panel on the Constitution be reappointed at the annual meeting in June 2014 to monitor the effectiveness of the Constitution and consider further amendments to it. 


(g)  That no further action be taken on Councillor Smith’s recommendation on Public Questions at Budget Council meetings.


(h)  That the draft protocol for filming meetings attached at Appendix 8 of the report be approved subject to any amendments required following the publication of the expected Regulations and any consequential changes be made to the Council Procedure Rules.


(i)  That the Curve is enabled to support webcasting meetings in the future and any budget implications of this proposal be considered in 2014/15.


(j)  That the Council does not commence webcasting of meetings before the completion of The Curve.


Supporting documents: