Agenda item

Matters Arising (other than those on the agenda)


Ditton Park Cycle Path Update –


JW tabled report updating the current situation.  Members considered photos of the repairs on the path in Southfield, judging the path surface to be lower than the land on both sides.  IH noted that the path surface is not ideal for cycling being loose gravel.


Members found it unacceptable that the Northfield path was closed while the Southfield path was closed due to flooding. They felt that signage at the crossroads of the path would have been sufficient to direct people away from the flooded area and thus allowed the Northfield path to stay open.  DM felt that CA would have been covered from a health and safety perspective if such signage had been used and that their extended closure of the northern route was without good cause.


CA can now be challenged by the LAF on spurious closures.  Members agreed that they would send a joint letter with RBWM LAF to let CA know their feelings on the closure.


Resolved – JW would approach RBWM LAF with a draft letter to CA. To include a question about when the Northfield path will be repaired this year.



Footpath 35a – A design for the development has been produced by the Council for the car park area that does not include the footpath.  The Council still proposes to stop up the route from Herschel Street to High Street, Slough under the S106 planning agreement. 


Resolved – JW will forward the planning design to members when received.


 Footpath 57 – Glentworth Ave to Tuns Lane –

JW tabled map of the route and explained the narrow nature of the path.  The recent usage survey showed similar results to the one last year.  Members discussed the level of anti-social behaviour and usefulness of the path as it doesn’t provide a great short cut in relation to the main road.  The use might just be from the actual residents of Glentworth Place, but all questioned whether that would be justification for closure.  ASB has been going on in this path for years with the complainants being the residents living adjacent to the path.  JW said this path would be discussed at the next Gating Panel meeting.  Members were not convinced a closure is necessary.


Resolved – JW would bring crime statistics to the next meeting.



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