Agenda item

P/15673/002 - 3 The Grove & 258-268 High Street, Slough, SL1 1JU

Officer Recommendation:Delegate to Development Management Lead Officer





Change to the external appearance of the existing building involving a complete and re-cladding and changes to the pattern and configuration of existing fenestration above ground level following a successful prior notification for a change of use from class B1(A) offices to class C3 residential to provide 24 no. flats and the erection of a two storey extension above the two storey element of the building to provide a further 12 no. flats.

Delegated to the Development Management Lead Officer for consideration of any substantive objections, resolution of outstanding issues relating to daylight and sunlight, cycle parking and bin storage, possible S106 Agreement, finalising condition. Officer to determine ownership of road and include maintenance and upkeep of road section congruent with site should applicant be owner of the road.


Councillor Swindlehurst did not take part in the debate or vote on the above item as he was not present when the Planning Officer introduced the report.

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