Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising


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Maggie Waller reported a letter was sent to the DfE to raise concerns on the impact of no funding being provided to support permanent expansions. Maggie noted a call and draft response had been received from Dugald Sandeman (DfE) who advised the DfE understand the issues however are not minded to move from the lag funding. A copy of the final DfE letter will be circulated with the minutes.

Ruth Bagley reported that about 20 LAs are impacted similarly adversely and could pursue a joint approach.


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St Joseph’s have confirmed that there are plans for use of balances with approval from the Governing Body.


Robin Crofts reported the Cambridge Education Service Level Agreements went out at the end of last term. Update to be provided at the next Schools Forum.


2014-15 Budget Process Update:


John Constable and Paul McAteer reported that 14/15 budgets are lower than modelled figures suggested when recommendations were made regarding the primary / secondary ratio with reductions of, for example, £140,000. The Task and Finish group has asked for additional data for budgets over the last 3 years and a clear comparison between the modelled figures and the final 2014/15 budges across all schools. The assumptions made about the impact of the change to basing secondary low attainment on English or Maths also appear to be flawed and need looking at.


Paul McAteer to check minutes of meeting with Jackie Wright in reference to resource base place figures.


At last meeting Maggie Stacey asked what data is used for primary lower attainment. Atul Lad provided an explanatory paper which was attached in the meeting reports pack.


Growth Fund Outturn – Item is on the agenda for the July Schools Forum meeting. The Task and Finish group will continue to look at this. Local Authority is looking at capital. Nicky Willis asked if there is any flexibility with the 2013-14 capital. Robin Crofts agreed to follow up and suggested that the schools affected should raise this with the School Organisation Group (SOG).


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Membership - Maggie Waller noted there has been a disappointing response from Academies with regard to membership.  Those academies that did respond agreed unanimously that Helen Huntley should take up the vacant position. Helen therefore resumes membership as an academy representative.


In addition, those academies that responded agreed unanimously that Jo Rockall, John Constable and Paul McAteer be asked if they are willing to serve a further term of office when theirs end in the summer. They will be asked formally if they wish to do so.


Rajpreet Johal wrote to governors of secondary maintained schools on behalf of the Chair seeking nominations for a maintained school governor representative and no responses were received. This will now go to SASH to find a maintained school member.


Maggie Waller confirmed a joint (LA / Schools Forum) response to the Fair Funding Consultation did go to DfE. Maggie has also received a response on this from the NUT. A copy of the response will be circulated with minutes.


Supporting documents: