Agenda item

Statutory Service Plans


That the Statutory Service Plans in relation to the Food Safety, Health & Safety and Trading Standards work undertaken by the Council be endorsed.


The Food & Safety Manager and Acting Trading Standards Manager introduced a report seeking the endorsement of the Cabinet to recommend the Statutory Service Plans for Food Safety; Health & Safety; and Trading Standards to Council on 22nd July 2014.


The Cabinet received a detailed presentation on the activities as set out in the plans and in particular the inspection of high risk food premises and the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme; the changing role of the Council in relation to Health & Safety at work; the Primary Authority scheme; and work to protect the public from scams, loan sharks and counterfeit goods.


Commissioners discussed a variety of issues including the involvement of youth commissioners in underage sales testing; the Council’s role in relation to food labelling; and the response to emerging issues such as the growing use of semi-permanent make up.


The Cabinet welcomed the work that was being undertaken and agreed to recommend the plans to Council at their meeting on 22nd July 2014.


Recommended –  That the Statutory Service Plans in relation to the Food Safety, Health & Safety and Trading Standards work undertaken by the Council be endorsed.

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