Agenda item

Appointment of Sub-Committees


The Committee considered a report on the establishment of the Appeals Sub-Committee and the Employment Appeals Sub-Committee.  The initial political group nominations to the Sub-Committees were reported and these were added to by the Members present at the meeting. 


It was noted that in accordance with changes to the Constitution effective  from 1st June 2014, appeals against dismissal would in future be heard by a Chief Officer Panel.  However, because an appeal was submitted on 28th May 2014, during the currency of the previous Constitution, the appellant had a right to be heard by a member Sub-Committee.


Resolved –

(a)  That the Appeals Sub-Committee be appointed for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.

(b)  That the Employment Appeals Sub-Committee be appointed to deal with one outstanding appeal.

(c)  That the terms of reference of the Sub-Committees be as set out in Appendix A and that seats be allocated to the Sub-Committees as shown in paragraph 5.1 of the report.

(d)  That the following Members be appointed to serve on each of the Sub-Committees in accordance with the wishes expressed by the Political groups in respect of the seats allocated to them:






Appeals Sub-Committee


(+ 5 deputies)

4 (+4)

Brooker, M Holledge,

N Holledge, Plenty

(Chohan, Dhaliwal, Zarait, one vacancy)

1 (+1)



Employment Appeals Sub-Committee


(+ 6 deputies)

2 (+4)

Brooker, Plenty

(N Holledge, Zarait, two vacancies)

1 (+2)


(Wright, one vacancy)


Supporting documents: