Agenda item

Aspire For You


Samina Hussain, Employability Development Manager, provided an overview of progress made in the delivery of the ‘Aspire For you’ component within the Aspire delivery model. The partnership supports residents, young people, business and employed learners to access effective training and learning solution that lead to sustained employment. A range of activities were being carried out to streamline and collaborate in the delivery of employment support, with a view to avoid duplication and unnecessary competition between providers.  


It was noted that over the last eighteen months, demand from the unemployed to have access to support in gaining employment had steadily increased. Changes in the benefits system had contributed to a change in client profile, with an increase in those with multiple barriers to employment including mental health problems, addiction or learning disabilities. Members were informed that the Council currently held weekly two hour job clubs at Slough Library, Britwell Centre, Thomas Gray Centre and Longwood Towers (Langley).  


It was brought to Members’ attention that innovative work was being undertaken to support business start ups with events such as three day business start up course, business skills training courses, inspirational networking evenings and business mentoring and support.  Since July 2012, over 300 individuals had been supported through the work undertaken by the service’s Community Business Adviser. It was noted that a number of struggling businesses had been provided with extra support which included help with business plans and organisation of networking events.


In response to how the information regarding support and advice available was communicated to residents and individuals, Members were informed that  details were publicised in the Adult Community Learning Brochure, libraries and the Council’s website.


A Member questioned how many individuals were successful in gaining employment having been through the various schemes. The Employability Development Manager informed Members that Key Performance Indicators were used to monitor and measure the effectiveness of schemes and that 34% of individuals had managed to secure sustainable employment. It was explained that those individuals who had been through the system and had not obtained employment were offered further advice and support, including mentoring and volunteering roles.     


Committee Members welcomed the range of activities and programmes that were in place to support those with low skill levels to secure long term employment.


Resolved  That the range of activity to support the low skilled and those who are unemployed to gain new skills and secure employment and to support those who wish to start and sustain their own businesses be noted.

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