Agenda item

Schools Outturn 2013-14 and 2014-15 Budget Plans


Atul Lad presented the report to update members of the Schools Forum on:


  • The balances held at the end of 2013-14 financial year
  • The comparison between balances held at the end of the 2012-13 and 2013-14 financial years.


Appendix A of report shows information on schools’ outturn. Atul reported that the figures show a decrease in balances of 17%. There had been some amendments made to the figures since the report had been published so an amended Appendix A is to go out with the minutes of this meeting.


Appendix B (Balance Control Mechanism) shows those schools carrying balances which are surplus to the threshold (final column). Discussions are being held with schools regarding plans for these balances and an update will be provided at the September Schools Forum.


Appendix C shows the summary of budgets and how balances are planned to reduce over the year.


Appendix D compares schools’ outturn 13/14 and budgets 14/15. It shows expenditure increasing by 6.2% and income only by 1.9%. It was noted that this reflects the reality of pressures on schools’ budgets despite government claims that education funding is ‘ring-fenced’.


Paul McAteer reported that the Slough and Eton Governing Body is writing to the Chief Executive of the Education Funding Agency (EFA), Peter Lauener to raise concern regarding dropping funding levels despite pupil number increases and when budgets are supposedly ring-fenced.


It was suggested that the Schools Forum should also write to relevant people and bodies: DfE, EFA, local MP, Trades Unions and Leader of the Council. Paul agreed to share the Slough and Eton letter and to draft a letter. Maggie Waller agreed to liaise with Paul on this and to sign the letter on behalf of Schools Forum. 


Kathleen noted it needs to be repeatedly stated that schools cannot fund PFI shortfall.


With regard to balances, Nicky Willis noted that, as more schools become academies, the figures become imbalanced as the report only covers maintained schools. Nicky asked if Schools Forum can ask academies to supply their figures. Forum supported this in the interest of overall transparency. It was agreed that this would be raised at the two Headteacher phase groups in the first instance. Nicky Willis and Paul McAteer agreed to liaise with Atul Lad to clarify exactly what information would be requested as academies’ accounts are presented in a different way. It would be necessary to clarify, when asking academies, that the information was being requested to present alongside maintained schools’ balances and that this request had the support of academy members of Schools Forum.


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