Agenda item



Jo Matthews introduced the SEBDOS report. The report was brought for information as the service is part funded by de-delegated funding.


Jo advised that the report looks at the charging mechanism that is in place for the provision of the SEBD Outreach Service to schools and academies and provides a proposed change to the fee structure from September 2014. Every school will be provided with information regarding the suggested new SLA. The service will not change but the charging will be fairer and the model will also give an opportunity to sell the service beyond Slough.


Jean Cameron raised the impact on Early Years and it was noted that Jo Matthews is meeting with Early Years regarding the impact on the early years block.


Paul McAteer urged caution in relation to the service trading beyond Slough and the need to ensure that this means no dilution of service.


It was noted that the service is a good quality, multi-disciplinary service. 


Helen Huntley referred to the Strategic Support Group and asked Headteachers to let her know if they wish to join.


Schools Forum thanked Jo for bringing the report and it was duly noted.


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