Agenda item

Review of Scheme for Financing Schools


Coral Miller presented a report to Schools Forum. 5 schools responded to the consultation on changes to the Scheme for Financing Schools and there are two adjustments that schools want to make on 2.10 and 2.15 of the Scheme.


A re-drafted paragraph 2.10 was tabled and agreed and this will be included in the final Scheme. This paragraph is simplified to state more clearly what schools must do in respect of purchasing, tendering and contracting.


2.15 of the report has been amended to include a reference to the Headteacher being notified first regarding any potential Notice of Concern.


Cora Miller will also include a reference to guidance regarding fraud which has recently been circulated by Audit. 


It was noted that Appendix B to the Scheme needs updating to ensure that it is an accurate and up to date list of maintained schools only. Coral Miller to do this.


Schools Forum formally agreed to the Scheme for Financing Schools being amended as above and as set out in the changes included in the consultation.


Coral Miller will place the final document on the SBC website and the link will be circulated to Schools Forum members.




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