Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising


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Ruth Bagley advised that the issue of the adverse impact of lagged funding in times of rapid expansion had been raised with the Local Government Association representative.


Atul Lad advised the key dates for the Budget Process 2015/16 have been confirmed. The consultation will go out week commencing 8th September with an end date in the first week of October. Formula factors to be submitted to the DfE by the end of October; the final formula to be submitted by January and the Task and Finish group to be reconvened. Rajpreet Johal to email out proposed dates for the Task and Finish group suggesting that the first meeting take place before September with two meetings in December / January.


Paul McAteer noted he has checked minutes of meeting with Jackie Wright in reference to resource base place figures and these were correct.


Paul McAteer also noted that the Slough and Eton 14/15 formula budget allocation was down by £160,000 not £140,000 as indicated in the minutes, despite there being over 40 additional pupils on roll with an overall loss of over £350,000. 


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Membership: Maggie Waller reported that Jo Rockall, John Constable and Paul McAteer had all agreed to continue their membership following agreement of academies. As no responses had been received from governors to find a secondary maintained governor member, SASH was asked to find a Headteacher representative. Kathleen Higgins was welcomed to the Forum as that new member.  Also SASH endorsed Mary Sparrow continuing as a member.


Primary Head Teachers were asked to nominate a maintained school Headteacher member and a nomination was received instead for a Governor, Carol Pearce, Chair of Governors of Penn Wood School. Maggie Waller had written to maintained primary schools to seek Governor endorsement and Carol will become a substantive member from September.


Barbara Clark is retiring and standing down from Schools Forum. Maggie Waller thanked Barbara for her long and valuable service on the Forum. A replacement will be sought in the autumn term.


Atul Lad reported that the £500,000 PFI contribution being returned to the DSG would be distributed based on pupil numbers to ensure that all schools receive funding. The Forum agreed.


Schools Forum Operational and Decision Making Framework: the updated Schools Forum Constitution was approved.


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