Agenda item

Update on the Appointment of a Professional Advisor


Robin Crofts, Director of Education, Cambridge Education, confirmed that the appointment of Jo Fageant as Professional Advisor to SACRE was very close to being finalised. Contracts had been forwarded for completion, and though an up-to-date DBS document was required, this should not prohibit the processing of the signed contract once received. Mr Crofts confirmed that as this matter was so close to completion, it was appropriate that Jo Fageant move forward in her role as the new Professional Advisor to SACRE.


Ms Fageant then went on to provide a brief outline of her role as Professional Advisor, and advised that she was part of an expanding team made up a range of colleagues with specialist knowledge of certain topics. Ms Fageant advised that these colleagues would be an excellent resource that she would be drawing on moving forward, once certain projects were identified that her colleagues could be included in.


Mrs Fageant went on to confirm that the amount of work that could be completed by her colleagues and herself would be dictated by the SACRE budget, but that many things that were previously put forward, such as a dedicated SACRE newsletter, could now be finalised due to the appointment of a Professional Advisor.


The topic of how Academy schools would fit in with SACRE’s work moving forward was brought up. Robin Crofts confirmed that he would explore this, before providing an update at the next SACRE meeting. This update would include detail on the logistics and financial components inherent to the topic.