Agenda item

Performance and Finance Report: Quarter 2


The Assistant Director, Finance and Audit, outlined details of the latest forecast financial information for 2014/15 financial year. Although the Council was forecast to overspend by £0.76 million this was a much better position in comparison to the previous financial report where a potential overspend of £1.55 million had been reported. The main area showing an overspend related to the children and families service area with a forecast overspend of £0.65 million.


Key areas of concern on the Council’s balanced scorecard were highlighted. The following indicators were given a red status as they were more than 5% adrift of their currently defined target values:


·  Average staff sickness rate (days lost per FTE). Year to date sickness rate of 8.9 days was above the current target of 6.5 days. Managers and Staff were encouraged to use the overall Balanced Scorecard diagnostically to focus on areas of high sickness. Members requested further details regarding sickness levels and specifically a breakdown of figures by directorate and categories of sickness be provided. It was agreed that this information would be included in the Quarter 3 Financial and Performance report.

·  Percentage of single assessments completed and authorised within 45 working days. Although there was marked improvement in compliance with these timescales (85% in July), performance in the past two months had fallen below this level. The national target for this measure was 100%.

·  Number (and %) of Adult Safeguarding Alerts that led to a strategy meeting per month. For the whole of the 2014/15 period  this indicator was above the target tolerance. Performance had been flagged to the safeguarding team and data accuracy investigations were underway.


In summarising the six gold projects, Members were advised that five had been assessed as Amber and one as Red. Responding to concerns regarding the red status of the Safeguarding Improvement Plan, Members were advised that various developments were on going and although there were clear indications of improvements, significant further work was required prior to a change in status to amber. 


A Member commented that figures relating to homelessness and unemployment had risen. It was explained that a 60% increase in homeless figures and welfare benefit changes had led to financial pressures  and that the Housing Team were working to mitigate these factors.


Responding to a query regarding the Council’s capital projects, it was noted that the Council had spent 22% of its available 2014/15 capital budget in the first half of the year. Any capital overspend would be reported and the reasons for the overspend outlined. An annual review of the capital programme was carried out adjusted accordingly should there have been any overspends.


The Assistant Director informed the Committee that there had been a significant increase in business rates within the Borough which had had a positive impact on the Council’s financial position. It was explained that although the collection rate was slightly lower when compared to 2013/14, this was due to a change in legislation which allowed customers to pay over 12 instalments as opposed to 10 instalments.   


Resolved – That the report be noted.

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