Agenda item

Healthwatch Business Plan


The Panel received a presentation of the objectives and work plan of Healthwatch Slough.


Healthwatch Slough, as the independent consumer champion for Slough, had broad responsibilities and had identified six themes to carry forward in its activities during 2014:

  • Access to services including timeliness
  • Information about provision and treatment
  • Quality (including process and outcomes)
  • Integration of health and social care
  • Grievance and redress i.e. complaints process and outcomes when things go wrong
  • Dignity / respect [Healthwatch England priority]


Healthwatch wanted to give out key messages that it was a strong voice for children, young people and adults; and that it will influence decision making at a senior strategic level and ensure that improvements are made.  A work plan for 2014 had been developed with the following objectives:

·  Raising awareness in the local community and among key partners

·  Building community engagement and reach by increasing the number of local people on mailing lists and signed up as Healthwatch Champions

·  Establishing Healthwatch Slough as a high quality provider of impartial non-critical information and advice about health and social care services and advocacy on behalf of the public

·  Ensure value for money: work in partnership with local organisations, evidence social impact


For each objective, a number of deliverables had been identified together with measurable success criteria.  In addition six initiatives had been planned, each with a timescale, steps to be taken and outcomes sought.  The Panel received details of the progress on each initiative.


From answers to questions the Panel noted the following points:

  • The set up of Healthwatch Slough had taken longer than expected owing to a number of factors.
  • The funding of Healthwatch, which was provided by the Council under an agreement, was at a modest level compared that in many other areas.
  • It was expected that Healthwatch would become more visible during the next year, with the conclusion of a number of projects in the Work Plan.
  • Progress would be assisted If more commissioned pieces of work were received.
  • Healthwatch were very keen to get local residents to tell their story about health care experience in Slough.  Where this moved on to a formal complaint, this would be referred to the appropriate provider/agency to deal with.


Resolved - 

(a)  That the report and presentation be noted with thanks.

(b)  That a report on progress be made to the Panel in approximately six months time.

Supporting documents: