Agenda item

Update on SACRE Membership 2014/15


Members discussed the position regarding the current SACRE membership and an update on the actions taken to fill the vacancies was provided.


Islam: It was confirmed that three nominations for the two current Islamic vacancies had been received, with one vacancy subsequently being withdrawn. The three nominations had been invited to attend the SACRE meeting of 14th July, though only one had attended. The attendee, Mr Waqar Bhatti, had presented a brief outline of his experience and how he felt he could contribute to SACRE moving forward. Mr Bhatti, present at the SACRE meeting of 15th October, was welcomed to SACRE, and it was agreed that his nomination be put forward for confirmation by Council at it’s next meeting.


Judaism: Jo Fageant confirmed she would continue to attempt to source nominations for this vacancy.


C of E: Jo Fageant confirmed that she would continue to attempt to source a replacement to fill this position.


It was confirmed that Councillor P.K. Mann had been appointed to the SACRE in error, as the constitution stated that a Cabinet Member could not be appointed to SACRE. In effect, this meant that there remained a vacancy for a Local Authority representative, and a nomination from the Labour group would be sought at the next Council meeting.


Councillor Cheema raised the topic of Sikh representatives to SACRE, and requested that the number of Sikh representatives be raised from 2 to 4. However, it was confirmed that the representative numbers per group were set proportionately to the population demographic of Slough as a town, and that the Sikh positions were filled.