Agenda item

Application for new Premises Licence, Gill's Meat Market, 20 Parlaunt Road, Langley, SL3 8BB


Following introductions the procedure for the hearing was outlined. The Chair confirmed that all parties had received a copy of the relevant paperwork.


The Applicants, Messrs Palwinder Singh Gill and Gurial Singh Gill were represented by Mr Zaiwalla of Chambers Solicitors.


Introduction by Mick Sims, Licensing Manager, Slough BC


The Senior Licensing Officer referred the Sub-Committee to the report set out in the agenda papers.


It was confirmed that an application was received from Messrs Palwinder Singh Gill and Gurlal Singh Gill, for 20 Parlaunt Road, Langley, SL3 8BB for the following licensable activities at the following times:


Sale by retail of alcohol for consumption OFF the premises only: –

Monday to Saturday: 08:00 – 23:00

Sunday; 10:00 – 22:00


The application was referred to the Sub-Committee for decision as representations were received from ‘Other Persons’.  The Officer discussed three objections received which raised concerns regarding noise and disruption from other pubs already selling alcohol in the area and anti social behaviour


The Sub-Committee was advised that Thames Valley Police (TVP) had requested that a number of conditions be attached to the licence as set out in the report and the Applicants had agreed to these.  The Committee was reminded that it must have regard to the amended guidance issued in June 2014 under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 regarding the promotion of the licensing objectives and also to the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy 2014-2019.


The Licensing Manager discussed the options available to the Sub-Committee, which included in summary; to grant the application submitted; grant the application subject to further reasonable conditions; or refuse the application.


Questions to the Licensing Manager


A number of questions were asked by Members including the location of the other licensed premises referred to by the objectors.


Submission by the Applicant


Mr Zaiwalla advised that the Applicants who were brothers, had lived in the locality for some years and owned two other off licenses. They were both responsible individuals and had experience of operating off-licensed premises.  The Sub-Committee was advised that TVP had placed suitable conditions in place which would deal with any concerns raised and the Applicants had agreed to these. He reassured Members that staff would be trained and the premises would have adequate staff numbers at all times.  None of the premises managed by the Applicants had ever failed a test purchase and he urged the Sub-Committee to grant the application.


Questions to the Applicant’s Representative


Members asked a number of questions relating to the background of the premises.


Summing Up


Mr Sims advised that there were no reports of problems at the premises and none of the Objectors had attended the meeting to address the Sub-Committee.


The Applicant’s Representative confirmed his case as previously submitted. 


Following the summing up, the parties left the meeting at 2.45 pm in order for the Sub-Committee to deliberate.




The Sub-Committee re-convened at 2.55 pm and all parties were asked to re-join the meeting when the decision was announced.


Resolved-  That the premises be issued with a licence as set out within the  annexe to this minutes, subject to the conditions imposed.



Gill’s Meat Market, 20 Parlaunt Road, Langley, SL3 8BB-Licence Granted


Sale by retail of alcohol for consumption OFF the premises only: –

Monday to Saturday: 08:00 – 23:00

Sunday; 10:00 – 22:00


(a)  Digital CCTV monitoring system to be installed and maintained to Thames Valley Police standard (i.e. CCTV images are clear and of an evidential quality and the system clock should be set correctly and kept accurate) . Recordings to be kept securely for 31 days and made available to Police, Local Authority Licensing Officers or relevant Agencies on request.


(b) Nominated person to be trained on how to work the CCTV system to the standard  where the nominated person can download any potential evidence required by Thames Valley Police employees and Local Authority Licensing Officers.


(c)  Nominated person is responsible in supplying the necessary media (discs, data stick) containing any downloaded content.


(d) Challenge 25 policy to be in place.


(e)  Refusals Register to be on the premises and kept up to date and made available upon the request of Police, Trading Standards Officer and Local Authority Licensing Officers.

Supporting documents: