Agenda item

Council Tax Support Scheme 2015-16


(a)  That Option 2, as detailed in section 9 of the report, be pursued whereby the Council consults on some revisions to the Council Tax Support scheme if these are financially beneficial following review of the modelling with the Leader.


(b)  To uprate the relevant applicable amounts included in appendix A.


(c)  That officers explore the different scheme options available and bring these back to Cabinet for a subsequent decision in respect of the 2016-17 financial year.


The Assistant Director, Finance & Audit introduced a report regarding potential changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2015-16.


Legislation required the scheme to be reviewed annually by Members and the options for 2015-16, as detailed fully in Appendix A to the report, were explained.  Any changes to the scheme, other than uprating the standard percentages, would require the Council to undertake consultation.  It was proposed that a review be undertaken to look at what changes could be made to improve the financial position for the Council for 2015-16.  During discussion, Members were informed that the overall cost of the scheme was £8.8m and it was noted that pensioners remains a mandatory protected group.


After due consideration, the Cabinet agreed to pursue Option 2 whereby review and consultation would take place on the scheme with a further report on the proposed scheme to be considered by Cabinet in December 2014.  The review should seek to explore any potential financial improvements to the Council arising from any changes, whilst ensuring the scheme continued to protect the most vulnerable residents.


Resolved –


(a)  That Option 2, as detailed in section 9 of the report, be pursued whereby the Council consults on some revisions to the Council Tax Support scheme if these are financially beneficial following review of the modelling with the Leader.


(b)  To uprate the relevant applicable amounts included in appendix A.


(c)  That officers explore the different scheme options available and bring these back to Cabinet for a subsequent decision in respect of the 2016-17 financial year.

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