Agenda item

Car Parking Policy in Slough Town Centre


At the Planning Committee meeting in July 2014, Members had requested that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider a report on the Council’s current parking policy for residential development in the town centre. The referral was prompted by concerns about the number of proposals for the development of flats or change of use of offices to flats in the town centre and the fact that there currently was no minimum requirement for car parking in residential schemes in the centre.


Members agreed that a Task and Finish Group be established to consider and review the issue in further detail. The Scrutiny Officer outlined the process for setting up the Task and Finish Group, explaining that the terms of reference for the Group would need to be agreed by the Committee; following which a number of meetings would be held, including site visits and consultation with local residents. It was anticipated that the final report of the Group would be reported to the Committee in 6- 8 months time. Members were requested to submit their nominations to serve on the Task and Finish Group by 19th September 2014.   


It was brought to the Committee’s attention that the Council was currently revising its Parking Strategy and that the Task and Finish Group would be included as a consultee as part of the public consultation process.   


Resolved – That a Task and Finish Group be established to review the issue.

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