Agenda item

Council Tax Support Scheme 2015-16


(a)  That the CouncilTaxSupportSchemeadoptedbySlough Borough Council for the 2014-15 financial year be continued and the relevant premiums, applicable amounts, non dependant deductions etc be up-rated in line with the statement from the Minister of Pensions.


(b)  That the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer update the scheme to reflect such up-ratings of premiums, allowances and non dependent deductions as may be determined by the Department of Work and Pensions, and for other minor technical changes which may be required.


The Assistant Director Finance & Audit introduced a report regarding the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2015-16 which presented the options following the review of the scheme as agreed by Cabinet in September 2014.


A review of the modelling had demonstrated that there could be financial benefits from changing the scheme, with a total maximum yield of circa £220k.  However, the reduced support would generally impact on those who had already experienced reduction within the scheme and there were practical considerations such as the collection rate, legal and administrative costs associated with changing the scheme.  On balance, it was therefore recommended to base the 2015-16 on the existing scheme, with the appropriate up-ratings, and to carry out a wider review for 2016-17 along with the likely introduction of Universal Credit.  Commissioners agreed that it would be sensible for a more fundamental review to be conducted in this way and it was therefore agreed to continue the 2014-15 scheme for a further year, subject to the appropriate up-rating.


Resolved –


(a)  That the CouncilTaxSupportSchemeadoptedbySlough Borough Council for the 2014-15 financial year be continued and the relevant premiums, applicable amounts, non dependant deductions etc be up-rated in line with the statement from the Minister of Pensions.


(b)  That the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer update the scheme to reflect such up-ratings of premiums, allowances and non dependent deductions as may be determined by the Department of Work and Pensions, and for other minor technical changes which may be required.

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