Agenda item

Changes to Schools and Early Years finance regulations 2014


Atul Lad provided an update on the report submitted to the Schools Forum. The report informs Schools Forum of the DfE’s proposed new School and Early Years Finance Regulations 2014 and additional grant conditions for the DSG. He drew attention to some of the key changes including:


Regulation 3 in the Appendix to the report makes amendments to the School’s Forum Regulations 2012 regarding representation for Alternative Provision (AP) and special academies. It was noted that this is already in place in Slough as Helen Huntley represents both.


It was also noted that Schools Forum is also now required to discuss places being commissioned by the LA and others in special schools, resource units and AP as well as arrangements for paying top ups. It was agreed that Atul Lad would include this in the annual Work Programme to ensure timely discussion on the relevant Schools Forum agenda.


Regulation 14 (1) Atul confirmed that funding for 19 – 25 year olds in special academies and maintained special schools will come through the EHC Plan and not be funded through the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG).


Regulation 14 (3) implements the increase in the value of an AP place from £8,000 to £10,000 per annum. It was noted that this is a positive move and provides greater financial stability.


It was agreed that with these changes, the High Needs Block Task and Finish group should be re-convened before half term. Atul Lad to arrange this. 


It was agreed that a brief response to the consultation would be sent voicing concern about the overall funding pressures on the DSG which the changes in the High Needs Block would be a part of and also the impact on these overall on schools’ budgets.


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