Agenda item

Better Care Fund Plan 2015/2016


The Panel received a progress report on the Better Care Fund (BCF), which had been established to integrate health and social care services.  The BCF was a pooled budget, which brought together adult services and aimed to provide more integrated care.  Specific outcomes included reducing emergency admissions, reducing delayed transfers of care and improving patient and service user experience.


The total pooled budget forSlough in 2015/16 was £8.72m, which was the minimum amount required by NHS England for the year, however it was reported that this figure was a relatively small proportion of the total spend of the Council, NHS and other partners on vulnerable adults which put highlighted that the scope of integrated services extended beyond the BCF/


Slough’s BCF plan had been submitted in April 2014, however, the Government had announced a change of policy over the summer to ringfence some of the funding for reducing admissions to hospital and the Plan had therefore been revised to take account of this new policy.  The Slough Wellbeing Board had signed off the revised Plan on 19th September 2014.  The key outcomes included reducing admissions to hospital by a minimum of 3.5% and protection for adult social care services.  The four priority areas of Slough’s BCF Delivery Plan focused on proactive care; a single point of access; integrated care services; and strengthening community capacity.


The Panel discussed the challenges in seeking to reduce hospital admissions through the BCF, particularly in Slough in view of the fact that the local demographic profile meant a higher proportion of children and younger people were being admitted whereas BCF was focused on the adult population.  Officers reported that data on the factors behind Accident & Emergency admissions was being analysed and proactive care was targeted on those who may not need to be hospitalised and to better manage long term conditions.  It was also noted that cultural differences resulted in some residents by-passing their GP and going straight to A&E, therefore some education activity was required.  Members also discussed the working relationship between the Council and Wexham Park Hospital and Officers stated that partnership working had improved, for example in relation to controlled admissions, and the Council had a social work team present at the hospital to support patients appropriately.


The Panel thanked officers for the report, which was noted, and it was agreed to receive a further progress update on the BCF in January 2015.


Resolved –


(a)  That the progress to date and future planned activity in relation to the Better Care Fund be noted.


(b)  That the Panel receive a further progress report on the Better Care Fund in January 2015 and that this be added to the Work Programme 2014/15.

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