Agenda item

Local Development Framework: Annual Monitoring Report 2013/14


Paul Stimpson, Planning Policy Lead Officer, outlined a report seeking the Committee’s approval for publication of the tenth Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) for publication on the Council website. It was highlighted that for the first time in a number of years there had been an increase in the number of houses built in Slough with 396 net completions in 2013/14.  Outstanding commitments indicated that Slough still had a  5, 10 and 15 year supply of housing land.


The Officer discussed the purpose and content of the AMR which included progress up to August 2014 and advised that the document would be published on the Slough BC website together with a copy of the Residential and Employment Commitment documents for 2013/14. Members noted key  results from the Monitoring Report regarding the increase in housing in the Borough and that the percentage of flats built in Slough in 2013/14 was 54%, and 63 new build dwellings were ‘affordable’.  There was a net gain of 1,948 square metres of employment floor space in 2013/14 as a result of the implementation of planning permissions. The Officer discussed changes in the amount of retail, leisure and office floor space during the relevant period and the outcome of Planning Appeal Decisions where 26% were allowed.


Members were reminded that the Core Strategy 2006-2026 was adopted in November 2008 and the Site Allocations DPD was adopted in November 2010. These documents alongside the Local Plan Saved Policies (2004) form the development plan for Slough. Slough had a well established policy framework for the future.


The Officer advised that Cabinet had approved the new Simplified Planning Zone scheme for adoption at its meeting on 14th July, 2014 and this would come into effect on 12th November for 10 years. Members also noted the position on Minerals and Waste Planning following the closure of the Berkshire Joint Strategic Planning Unit and the abolition of the South-East Plan.


Members asked a number of questions of detail and it was:




a)  That the Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report 2013/14 be approved for publication on the Council website.


b)  That the Council should continue to produce and publish future monitoring reports that are focused upon important local issues as well as meeting statutory requirements.


c)  That the Council monitor the need to review the development plan for Slough through the Annual Monitoring Report.





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