Agenda item

SACRE Annual Report


Jo Fageant, Professional Advisor, advised that by law, SACREs have to publish an annual report confirming what actions have been taken during the last preceding year. However, the format of such a report is not set. As such, Ms Fageant tabled a draft report, designed to be shorter and more easily digestible whilst still giving an accurate reflection of SACRE’s work over the past 12 months.


Members praised the length and conciseness of the report, and felt that this shorter, more concentrated report format would help the information to be more easily reviewed and assimilated. Members were particularly enthused about the section detailing the work of SACRE moving forward, and were eager to begin making full use of the services offered by the newly appointed Professional Advisor.


Members suggested that the finalised report be forwarded to Religious Education Co-ordinators at Slough schools alongside the SACRE newsletter. It was also confirmed that the finalised report would be published on the NASACRE website.


In addition, it was requested that the clerk of the meeting confirm the SACRE membership and attendance records for period 2013-14, and forward this confirmation to Ms Fageant.

Resolved – that the new report format be approved for publication, subject to confirmation of membership/attendance as above.

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