Agenda item

Newsletter-Jo Fageant


Jo Fageant, Professional Advisor,  introduced a draft version of the proposed newsletter to members of the SACRE, and comments were requested.


Members felt that the newsletter was a very positive addition to the work of SACRE moving forward, and were eager to begin using it to interact regularly with schools. In order to facilitate this, delivery methods were discussed. It was agreed that Robin Crofts would begin to source contact details for school Religious Education Co-ordinators so that the newsletter could be sent digitally, directly to the most relevant person. In addition, a hardcopy would also be sent so that the newsletter could be displayed on school notice boards. The cost to print and send these hardcopies would come out of the SACRE annual budget.


SACRE members discussed ideas for further topics for inclusion, examples of which included the potential for a group photo of the SACRE, and a set section to showcase a particular faith school. Members were also requested to email Ms Fageant with ideas for any further items to be included in the newsletter.


The newsletter would also include Ms Fageant’s contact details so that schools could get in touch to request support, or to share ideas or examples of best practice.


Resolved – that the newsletter draft be approved for publication. Members to forward any further suggestions for items to be included on future newsletters to Jo Fageant via email.


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