Agenda item

SACRE- Future Actions



The question of when the SACRE Chair and Vice-Chair should be elected was raised. It was pointed out that in previous years, this took place during the first meeting of the new academic year. However, for SACRE 2014/15, the Chair and Vice-Chair were elected during the first meeting of the new municipal year.


In addition, the 3 year membership term for SACRE was raised in relation to Slough Borough Council’s practise of electing Councillors by thirds. It was pointed out that an elected Councillor, appointed to SACRE, may not be present for the full 3 years of their SACRE membership term, should they not be elected at subsequent Council elections.


It was also felt that the number of SACRE meetings that members were required to be absent for, before having their membership revoked, was too high.


Members agreed that the above items would be discussed at the next SACRE meeting as part of a Constitution/Terms of Reference review.


It was confirmed that the joint SACRE meeting would be held in November, and feedback from this meeting would be included in the next SACRE meeting.


It was requested that SACRE members bring examples of the ‘Discover RE’ resource packs and similar, as it was felt that it would be useful for members to see what each pack contained.