Agenda item

Trelawney Avenue Redevelopment Plan Interim Update Report


(a)  That further discussions be held with NHS England and Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) regarding the provision of an additional GP practice or satellite practice at a new community hub on the Merry Makers site (Area A) as part of the wider redevelopment plans.


(b)  That Thames Valley Police (TVP) remain interested in working collaboratively with the Council to re-locate into new or refurbished premises.


(c)  That following consultation with community groups, internal departments and TVP, the option of remodelling existing retail is being considered. In addition to giving TVP a greater presence within the local area, this option would allow the Council to develop residential-led proposals for the site of the existing police station (an HRA site owned by SBC) as part of the overall strategy. 


(d)  That subject to (c), the Strategic Director of Regeneration, Housing & Resources and the Head of Asset Management, following consultation with the Commissioners for Neighbourhoods & Renewal and Community & Leisure, be authorised to take necessary steps prior to a further report in June 2015 to progress residential development schemes that provide a mix of affordable housing with a range of house types be pursued on part of the Merry Makers Site (Area A), subject to pursuing the option of the Cabinet’s ambition for a community hub; and at the324 Trelawney Avenue site (Area B); and Trelawney Avenue Residential Infill site (Area C).


(e)  That the proposals to introduce new sporting facilities in Langley Academy part funded by the Council that will support local sports clubs, promote improved health and well being and meets a need identified by the community be noted.


(f)  That a follow-up report be presented to Cabinet in June 2015.


The Strategic Director, Regeneration, Housing and Resources introduced a report which updated the Cabinet on the progress of the Trelawney Avenue Redevelopment Plan.


Extensive discussions had been held with NHS England and the Slough Clinical Commissioning Group about the potential for GP and other health facilities located in a new community hub on the Merrymakers site, however, at the time of writing the report both of these organisations had indicated that they were unable to support the proposal as they felt the Langley area was already well served by existing GP practices.  Members were informed that since the report it had been written, further discussions had been held which left open the possibility of such facilities and Officers therefore suggested a change to the recommendation to continue discussions with health partners with the outcome the subject of a further report to Cabinet in June 2015.


The Cabinet reaffirmed their ambition for a community hub in the area and therefore agreed to continue discussions with health partners to seek to achieve this outcome.  It was also agreed to delegate authority to Officers, following consultation with the relevant Commissioners, to take further steps on the housing elements of the plan that could be progressed without compromising the option for a community hub on the Merrymakers site.


Resolved –


(a)  That further discussions be held with NHS England and Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) regarding the provision of an additional GP practice or satellite practice at a new community hub on the Merry Makers site (Area A) as part of the wider redevelopment plans.


(b)  That Thames Valley Police (TVP) remain interested in working collaboratively with the Council to re-locate into new or refurbished premises.


(c)  That following consultation with community groups, internal departments and TVP, the option of remodelling existing retail is being considered. In addition to giving TVP a greater presence within the local area, this option would allow the Council to develop residential-led proposals for the site of the existing police station (an HRA site owned by SBC) as part of the overall strategy. 


(d)  That subject to (c), the Strategic Director of Regeneration, Housing & Resources and the Head of Asset Management, following consultation with the Commissioners for Neighbourhoods & Renewal and Community & Leisure, be authorised to take necessary steps prior to a further report in June 2015 to progress residential development schemes that provide a mix of affordable housing with a range of house types be pursued on part of the Merry Makers Site (Area A), subject to pursuing the option of the Cabinet’s ambition for a community hub; and at the324 Trelawney Avenue site (Area B); and Trelawney Avenue Residential Infill site (Area C).


(e)  That the proposals to introduce new sporting facilities in Langley Academy part funded by the Council that will support local sports clubs, promote improved health and well being and meets a need identified by the community be noted.


(f)  That a follow-up report be presented to Cabinet in June 2015.

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