Agenda item

Slough Mass Rapid Transit Detailed Design and Consultation Update


That the progress made on the project, as set out below, be noted:


(a)  That the detailed designs for the SMaRT scheme are currently underway.

(b)  That a public consultation into the SMaRT scheme has been completed.

(c)  That the results of the public consultation into the SMaRT scheme are as outlined in Section 5 of the report.

(d)  That the consultation results are accepted and that the designs are amended to reflect the points raised during the consultation.

(e)  That the conclusions of this Cabinet meeting are accepted and shall be implemented in line with the Council’s procurement policy.


The Acting Head of Transport introduced a report which updated the Cabinet on the progress of the Slough Mass Rapid Transit (SMaRT) scheme which aimed to reduce congestion and improve public transport links between the Trading Estate, town centre, Junction 5 of the M4 and eventually Heathrow.  A drive-through simulation of the Trading Estate to town centre section of the scheme was shown to Cabinet and it was agreed that this would be made available on the Council’s website.


The benefits to residents and local businesses were discussed.  By widening the A4 at key points, and by utilising service roads as bus lanes, SMaRT aimed to provide bus services that were quicker, more frequent, and more reliable.  The majority of the £8.7m funding for the scheme would be provided by Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership with a funding contribution from the Council of £2.3m, subject to approval of the Capital Strategy by Council in February.  The Compulsory Purchase Order process approved at the Cabinet meeting on 15th September 2014 was progressing well and a major public consultation exercise had been conducted.  The feedback was being incorporated into the detailed design and it was proposed that experimental orders by used to enable the scheme to be adjusted where appropriate.


The Cabinet requested clarification on several aspects of the design of the dedicated bus lanes and proposed junction improvements.  A range of issues were discussed including the potential for MRT to offer an alternative to shuttle bus services provided by companies on the Trading Estate; enforcement of the new bus lanes; and the timetable for implementation of the scheme.  Following completion of the detailed designs and financial approval, the scheme would be tendered in spring 2015 with work commencing in the summer and completion in 2016.  The Cabinet welcomed the overall aims and agreed that the scheme be implemented as proposed.


Resolved –  That the progress made on the project, as set out below, be noted:


(a)  That the detailed designs for the SMaRT scheme were underway.


(a)  That the public consultation into the SMaRT scheme had been completed.


(b)  That the results of the public consultation into the SMaRT scheme be noted as outlined in Section 5 of the report.


(c)  That the consultation results be accepted and that the designs be amended to reflect the points raised during the consultation.


(d)  That the conclusions of the Cabinet meeting be accepted and implemented in line with the Council’s procurement policy.

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