Agenda item

SACRE Member News - Julie Siddiqi

(To receive individual Member feedback on progress since last meeting)


Julie Siddiqi introduced the SACRE Member News item, and explained that this was to be a new standing item brought to each subsequent meeting of SACRE.


The purpose of the item was for SACRE members to advise on what had occurred, or what tasks had been undertaken, between SACRE meetings.


Jo Fageant advised SACRE that Lord Nash, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools, had recently written to SACREs highlighting, among other things, the importance of reaffirming the values of respect and tolerance in all schools. NASACRE had subsequently written to SACREs advising that SACREs should discuss the letter and its implications for their own Local Authorities, before writing a response. It was recommended that SACRE’s response should include:

  • Thanks for the letter;
  • Support for the proposal to commission an analysis of Annual Reports and produce a report about SACREs nationally on that basis;
  • A confirmation that SACRE members are not volunteers but appointed members of a statutory body and, that whilst they offer much to their local authorities (LA) in terms of social and cultural capital, their main purpose is to advise the LA on religious education and collective worship;
  • A question for the Under Secretary of State how the Department for Education is going to hold local authorities to account in relation to their responsibilities to support and resource SACREs;
  • A question for the Under Secretary of State about the relationship SACRE should have with Academies and Free Schools in light of the Academies Commission Report 2013 where local authorities are seen to be the champion of children and young people and therefore advocates for a broad and balanced curriculum, including RE which is the only curriculum responsibility of LA. 

Jo Fageant advised that a copy of Lord Nash’s letter would be forwarded to all SACRE members. In addition, the date of the next NASACRE AGM was confirmed as being 21st May 2015.


Finally, Ms Fageant confirmed that she would be retiring as of 31st March, though would remain in her role as Professional Advisor for Slough SACRE.


Christine Isles advised SACRE on ‘Open The Book’ - an organisation of volunteers who attended schools and performed stories of the Bible for the children. The group was highly recommended, and the Council was advised to review whether the group could be used at their own schools.


Councillor Preston Brooker advised that he had recently been made a Church Governor at Churchmead School.