Agenda item

Constitution/Terms of Reference review - Democratic Services


The clerk introduced a report on the SACRE Terms of Reference, following questions raised at the previous SACRE meeting.


SACRE members had sought clarity on the following points:


  1. Election of SACRE Chair and Vice Chair


It was highlighted that in previous years, the election of the Chair and Vice Chair had taken place at the first meeting of the new Academic year. It was confirmed that Local Authority Members were appointed to SACRE at the Annual Council meeting, held in May. The subsequent meeting of SACRE following the Annual Council was therefore the first meeting of the new municipal year, and the Chair and vice Chair were elected at this meeting.


  1. Appointment of LA Members by thirds may mean they would not be present for the standard three year term of SACRE membership.


It was confirmed that Local Authority Members were selected for appointment to meetings, such as SACRE, during a Group meeting prior to the Annual Council. During this meeting, meeting preferences could be stated and volunteers could be sought. As this occurred annually, elected Members were confirmed as a member of SACRE for a period of 1 year only. Thereafter, the process would be undertaken again, at the subsequent years Group meeting. At this time, it may be that the same Members would be appointed to SACRE for a further year, or there may be new Members appointed, based on Member availability and preference.


  1. The number of meetings required to be missed before SACRE membership was revoked.


The Terms of Reference confirmed that “where a nominated representative fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the SACRE and fails to give their apologies, s/he shall cease to be a member of the SACRE and the nominating body shall be invited to nominate another representative.”


The clerk confirmed that, whilst attendance at SACRE had been an issue in the past, a review of recent meetings showed that attendance was now very good. In addition, it was felt that as there were only three meetings in each municipal year, it would be somewhat premature to instigate the revocation of membership process after one or two missed meetings, for which a member may have valid reasons for absence.


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