Agenda item

SACRE- Future Actions


Future actions of the SACRE were discussed, and confirmed as follows:


  1. Jo Fageant was to email the group the draft of the next SACRE Newsletter, for comment, with the aim of forwarding the final version to schools before the end of the Summer term.
  2. Jo Fageant was to email details of a forthcoming RE meeting on 9th March to Lynda Bussley, so that she may attend.
  3. Robin Crofts/Neil Fraser were to review SBC’s position in relation to the current SACRE website. The potential for building  and maintaining a new website separate from Slough’s main site was discussed. It was understood that the cost for such an endeavour would need to come out of the SACRE budget. Robin Crofts/Neil Fraser were tasked to provide an update to the Chair and Professional Advisor as soon as possible.