Agenda item

Children's Social Care Workforce Strategy 2014-17


That the Children’s Social Care Workforce Strategy be endorsed as part of the Children’s Social Care Improvement Programme.


The Commissioner for Education & Children introduced a report seeking endorsement of the Children’s Social Care Workforce Strategy which was part of the Children’s Social Care Improvement Programme.


The Strategy set out the Council’s plans to address the workforce related issues raised by Ofsted in its inspection of December 2013 and detailed progress made in the past year.  The Council had made a substantial investment in staffing for 2014-15 with £3.3m being added to the budget to reduce caseloads and improve practice and performance.  The Strategy was designed to reduce reliance on agency staff and secure a more stable and permanent workforce and the report highlighted that good progress was being made.


Commissioners discussed a number of issues including the impact of the recruitment campaign; the progress in reducing social workers caseloads; and the potential workforce implications arising from the externalisation of some children’s services functions into a new organisation.  The Assistant Director Children & Families responded that the transition arrangements were ongoing but that it was vital to address the workforce issues as an immediate priority to improve the outcomes for children in the borough.  The Cabinet welcomed the progress that had been made to date and endorsed the Strategy.


Resolved –  That the Children’s Social Care Workforce Strategy be endorsed as part of the Children’s Social Care Improvement Programme.

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