Agenda item

Quarter 1 Budget Monitoring 2014-15


Matt Redwood presented the report on Q1 Budget Monitoring. He noted that this was only the first quarter and asked members if they had any comments or questions.


Maggie Waller noted that some of the currently predicted percentages were high, in particular Slough Centre Nursery and that high balances had been a trend for this school for some time. Schools Forum requested that LA officers bring back further information from the school to Schools Forum.  It was suggested that there may be some historic funding in place that is coming to an end.


Robin Crofts referred to the percentages within the Balance Control Mechanism i.e. 5% and 8% and discussion took place about the appropriateness of these now, particularly for larger primary schools. It was agreed that a review of the Balance Control Mechanism would take place when the Schools Forum considered the Scheme for Financing Schools for 15/16.


Helen Huntley proposed that the effect of new resource provision and Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) should be taken into account.


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