Agenda item

Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising


The previous minutes were approved subject to the amendment of minute 353 as follows:

Regulation 14 (3) implements the increase in the value of the base funding for an Alternative Provision place from £8,000 to £10,000 per annum. It was noted that this is a positive move and provides greater financial stability.


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Maggie Waller drew members’ attention to the response from David Laws MP which was circulated at the meeting. This letter had been received by Maggie Waller and John Constable in response to their letter sent to the Rt. Hon. Nicky Morgan MP, Secretary of State for Education, on behalf of Schools Forum, stating concerns about levels of funding. Members noted the response.


It was noted that the previous minutes had been amended in line with Kathleen Higgins’ request that the words ‘in the short term’ be deleted from the paragraph which referred to her comment on PFI.


Pensions deficit: It was noted that clarification had been received that the £500k pensions deficit had been paid on behalf of some maintained schools whilst other schools had paid direct.  Clarification of the exact sums for the schools concerned is being sought. Nicky Willis asked if this sum will come back into the available DSG and it was confirmed that this was the case and it would form part of the forthcoming discussions about the DSG underspend once final details are clear.


John Constable gave an update on St Joseph’s School having had discussions with the Headteacher, Ciran Stapleton.  John Constable referred to the Schools Forum decision in July 2012 that the grant from headroom was to support St Joseph’s finance and development plan over the next three years.  In October 2012 Forum reiterated its support for St Joseph’s to provide financial stability over 3 to 5 years. It was noted that, although the original financial support was not a loan, that the school had been able to return £400,000 in 2013.  The school has utilised the remaining funding in relation to matters connected with the original leasing issues and their ongoing impact, as was originally intended. The Headteacher had re-iterated thanks to Schools Forum for the support. Atul Lad had also had a conversation with the school prior to his departure in relation to the school’s revenue balance and the LA was satisfied with the response. 


Nicky Willis informed Schools Forum that she is now Chair of the Primary Heads’ phase group.


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Maggie Waller referred to the PFI pilot which is ongoing and which is identifying potential areas where there may be savings.  Kathleen Higgins agreed that the pilot was helpful but that it was not about how any gap in funding would be addressed.  It was noted that the report from the PFI pilot will be brought to Schools Forum in December.


Balance Control Mechanism:  It was noted that there had not yet been an opportunity for discussion at the Primary Heads’ phase group about academies sharing financial information about balances.  SASH had discussed the principle and had agreed to sharing information but had not yet discussed the approach in any detail. Both phase groups are to discuss further.


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It was reported that the High Needs Task and Finish group had met and it had been agreed that the group would combine to meet with the SEN Schools Organisation Group (SOG) at a meeting on 10th December. It was also confirmed that a report on the commissioning of places would be brought to the December Schools Forum.


Helen Huntley asked for clarification about the reference to Regulation 14(1) of the Schools and Early Years Regulations and the funding of 19-25 year olds in special schools and academies. It was confirmed that this funding is outside of the DSG and funded by the Education Funding Agency.


Helen Huntley asked that the previous minutes (para 353) be amended to make clear that the increase in value of an Alternative Provision place is an increase to ‘base funding’.


It was noted that the Early Years Task and Finish group would be re-convened shortly.


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Kathleen Higgins referred to her comment noted in the previous minutes regarding school development work and asked members to note that she had not been asking if such work was still a priority, as it clearly is, but asking for clarification about current and future strategy from both the LA and Cambridge Education.


John Constable reported that discussion regarding the Slough Learning Partnership activity would take place at the forthcoming Headteachers’ conference and an update be brought to the Schools Forum in December. In response to a question from Nicky Willis, he clarified that a report on a possible joint venture with Cambridge Education would be brought to the next meeting and that the business case originally presented was still current.


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