Agenda item

Cambridge Education


Robin Crofts provided an update.  He reported that the three year contract with the LA to deliver Education services is funded through the DSG and core funding (for early years and Children’s Centres) Cambridge Education is at the end of the first year of the contract and discussion is currently taking place about the next phase. This includes what funding will be available and any changes in scope that may be required.  He said that this could have a bearing on services and would be brought back to Schools Forum under the standing item on the agenda. A report will go to the Education and Children’s Service Scrutiny Committee on 4th December.


Nicky Willis asked if a fixed base sum had been agreed for the duration of the contract. Robin Crofts explained that modifications can be negotiated up or down in both funding and specification  Kathleen Higgins asked if negotiations are funding or standards driven.  Robin Crofts indicated that they are funding driven but that Cambridge Education’s priorities remain early years, school improvement and raising standards. He also clarified that there could be an impact on any potential joint venture with the Slough Learning Partnership