Agenda item

Academies update


Robin Crofts reported that, following the Parlaunt Park and Western House academy conversions, no further schools are currently in the formal stages of transfer.


He referred to a draft academy protocol which is being developed regarding the relationship between Cambridge Education, the LA and academies. This is looking at ways to engage more formally with academies around school improvement and other areas.


Matt Redwood referred to this having been discussed at SSEF and phase groups.


Helen Huntley asked about how SBC arrives at decisions about what to spend on Education. Matt Redwood explained that this is dealt with by Corporate Management team (CMT) and  the Section 151 officer (Treasurer role) who then make recommendations to the elected members for a final decision. Robin Crofts added that recommendations are made to the various directorates to e.g. identify savings.


Schools Forum members requested a breakdown of planned central expenditure for 2014/15. Matt Redwood referred to the Section 251 information available on line.


Robin Crofts explained that pressures in the last four to five years have been associated with the national financial situation and the financial challenges in the area of social care. 


Helen Huntley mentioned how schools are supporting the LA in meeting ‘Early Help’ targets although the funding goes to the LA.  She stated that if schools have pressures on their budgets this would have to go.  She stated that there is a need to identify savings by more efficient liaison with the LA regarding ‘Early Help’’.  Matt Redwood agreed to progress discussion about this.