Agenda item

References from Overview & Scrutiny


Revenue Budget 2015/16


That Officers be authorised to implement differential fee rates for Residents and Non Residents, on a range of services, including sport pitch hire.


Treasury Management Strategy 2015/16


That investment in the property fund portfolio increase from £7 million to £10 million.


The Cabinet received a report detailing recommendations from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee in relation to the 2015-16 budget.


The recommendation in relation investigating the possibility of further differential charging for a range of services was resolved during consideration of the Revenue Budget (Minute 86 refers).


The following recommendation had also been received in relation to the Treasury Management Strategy 2015-16:


“The Cabinet is requested to recommend that investment in the property fund portfolio increase from £7 million to £10 million.”


It was noted that the Cabinet had already agreed on 19th January to recommend the Treasury Management Strategy 2015-16 to Council which included provision for increasing investment in the property fund portfolio.  It was therefore agreed to support the recommendation from scrutiny when recommending the Treasury Management Strategy to Budget Council on 19th February 2015.


Recommended –  That investment in the property fund portfolio increase from £7 million to £10 million.

Supporting documents: