Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary or other Pecuniary or non pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to the circumstances described in Section 3 paragraphs 3.25 – 3.27 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 3.28 of the Code.


The Chair will ask Members to confirm that they do not have a declarable interest.


All Members making a declaration will be required to complete a Declaration of Interests at Meetings form detailing the nature of their interest.


Councillor Plenty declared an interest in respect of Agenda item 8, P/03896/003 - Former Arbour Vale School, Stoke Road, Slough, and Agenda item 9, S/00587/005 - Former Arbour Vale School Site & St Josephs Playing Field, Stoke Road, Slough. He advised that he had a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of Agenda item 9 as he is a Supporter of Slough Football Club, and holds a season ticket. He stated that as there was a synergy between Agenda items 8 and 9 he also wished to declare a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of Agenda item 8. Councillor Plenty left the meeting during the consideration of Agenda item 8. He rejoined the meeting to hear the introduction of Agenda item 9 by the Planning Officer. He then addressed the Committee under Rule 30 and left the meeting prior to the debate by Committee Members.


Councillor Bains advised in respect of Agenda item 6, P/06674/010 - 30 Rambler Lane, Slough, that he was a Ward Member (Upton Ward). He advised that he had an open mind and would debate and vote on the item.


Councillor Ajaib advised in respect of Agenda item 12, P/00906/030 - 43-61 Windsor Road, Slough, that he was a Ward Member (Central Ward). He advised that he had an open mind and would debate and vote on the item.


Councillor Swindlehurst advised in respect of Agenda item 9, S/00587/005, Former Arbourvale School and St Josephs Playing Field, Stoke Road, Slough, that he had in previous years discussed issues relating the Stadium at Cabinet, in his capacity as Commissioner for Neighbourhoods and Renewal. He advised that he had no involvement since, had an open mind and would debate and vote on the application.


Councillor Dar advised in respect of Agenda item 10, P/16006/000 - Wexham Nursery & Land off Forest Close, Wexham Road, Slough, and Agenda item 11, P/06622/075 - Wexham Park Hospital, Wexham Street, Slough, that he was a Ward Member (Wexham Lea Ward) for the applications. He advised that he had an open mind and would debate and vote on the items.