Agenda item

Welfare Policies


(a)  That the respective policies for Local Welfare Provision, Discretionary Housing Payments and Council Tax Hardship as set out in Appendices A to C to the report be approved.


(b)  That a further paper be brought to Cabinet to consider the future of Local Welfare Provision scheme once the Government Grant is nearing its end.


The Assistant Director Finance & Audit introduced a report which sought approval for policies on Local Welfare Provision, Discretionary Housing Payments and Council Tax Hardship as detailed in Appendices A-C to the report.


The Local Welfare Provision (LWP) set out the policy in respect of crisis awards and community care awards which had been underspent in the past two years.  The policy was broadly in line with the existing scheme and it was proposed to spend any funds rolled over from the previous years with a further report to Cabinet to consider the future of scheme once the Government grant neared its end.  The Council had received an additional £197k for LWP which was not ring-fenced, however, the allocation for the Discretionary Housing Payments was £243k less than current financial year and it was anticipated that there would be continued pressure on this funding.  It was therefore proposed and agreed to seek to offset the funding where possible.


The Cabinet approved the policies and agreed to receive a further report later in the year on the future of LWP.


Resolved –


(a)  That the respective policies for Local Welfare Provision, Discretionary Housing Payments and Council Tax Hardship as set out in Appendices A to C to the report be approved.


(b)  That a further paper be brought to Cabinet to consider the future of Local Welfare Provision scheme once the Government Grant is nearing its end.

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