Agenda item

Growth Fund Update 2014-15 and 2015-16 Budget


Schools Forum was asked to agree to creating a Growth Fund for 2015/16 (an annual decision) and also to consider the criteria and level of funding.  The report proposed two options for funding: full AWPU rate or 66% of the AWPU rate. There was discussion about the two options and what a reduced AWPU might fund and about the overall pressure on the DSG, given that the DfE does not fund this and the DSG has to be top-sliced.


It was noted that, whilst the Growth Fund is currently allocated to expanding primary schools, this will work through to secondary schools in time and it not a short term pressure.


Schools Forum agreed to create a Growth Fund for 2015/16.

It was noted that the proposed top slice was smaller than previously as there was some carry forward from a contingency and also some funds had been recouped from the DfE for academies. It was clarified that the need would normally be about £1 million a year.


It was noted that it was important that arrangements should not deter schools from expanding. 


The option of full AWPU was agreed for 2015/16 so £850K will be top sliced from the Schools Block budget.  Officers agreed to investigate other LAs’ approach, particularly in areas of rapid expansion like Slough and bring that to Schools Forum before any decision for 2016/17.


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