Agenda item

Centrally Retained DSG


Coral Miller circulated a corrected Appendix to the report.


Debbie Richards queried a pensions issue relating to Arbour Vale School and Coral Miller agreed to follow this up outside the meeting.


The principle of distributing the final underspend by numbers on roll was re-affirmed.


A revised final position will be brought to the January Schools Forum and will also include the position for the High Needs Block.


The £500k pensions deficit being returned to the DSG will form part of the final total. This money was paid from the DSG rather than billed direct to a number of schools who owed it and this needs to be repaid to the DSG.  A commitment that this not be repeated is requested from the LA. Paul McAteer mentioned that auditors had suggested challenging the value for money of the pensions’ arrangement and it was asked that this be followed up by the LA. MW is to invite Joseph Holmes to January Schools Forum.


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