Agenda item

Public Outdoor Events Policy


That the amendments to the public outdoor events policy (at appendix A to report with amendments detailed in paragraph 5.5) be approved.


The Communications Manager introduced a report which sought approval for a revised Public Outdoor Events Policy for the Council, which governed all outdoor events in the town centre, parks and open spaces.


The policy had last been approved by Cabinet in October 2013 and assisted event organisers by providing clarity to ensure health and safety and other obligations were met.  The proposed amendments included a more detailed definition of an event; clarified responsibility and authority for approving an event; specified that circuses that involved animals would not be permitted; altered some of the financial arrangements; and opened up MacKenzie Square as a site for town centre promotional events.  Commissioners welcomed the proposed changes and discussed a number of matters including the enforcement of leafleting and further options to take action against street sellers and spitting in the street.  The legal position was noted in relation to enforcement and further consideration would be given to how these issues could be addressed.


The Cabinet approved the revised Policy and noted that an event template was being produced to further assist organisers.


Resolved –  That the amendments to the public outdoor events policy, at appendix A to report with amendments detailed in paragraph 5.5, be approved.

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