Agenda item

2015-16 DSG Blocks (Schools Block)


Schools Forum noted the Schools Block budget for 2015-16. Coral Miller presented Appendix A comparing schools’ budget allocations for 2014/15 and 2015/16 and explained the reasons for variance.  Schools Forum noted this and found the comparison table very helpful.


Paul McAteer noted there seemed to be a discrepancy in academy funding where the final budget for the academy differs from the modelled estimates by the LA. Coral Miller explained that this is an Education Funding Agency (EFA) issue as the LA sends the EFA the calculated school academy budget and they then deal with the final budget allocation.  She noted that the difference in financial year dates is one reason for variation.


De-delegation: the decision on whether to de-delegate the Trade Union support budget at current unit cost had been deferred from the December 2014 meeting pending further information. Maggie Waller provided feedback on what support Lynda Bussley supplies, having received information from Lynda by email. Lynda had responded that all maintained schools are entitled to access support and all union members had a right to be represented. She deals with 5/6 cases a month, more in the summer term. She supports members through advice, guidance and direct representation and support. She also provides training for accredited school representatives. She had also explained that she is providing support in some academies out of school hours and they do not pay for her time.


Schools Forum maintained schools’ members voted by phase on the de-delegation of the Trade Union support budget. A vote was taken and all 3 primary maintained schools’ members present voted in favour of de-delegation at the current unit cost. Both secondary maintained schools members present also voted in favour of de-delegation at the current unit cost.


Coral Miller agreed to find out why the unit costs for primary were so much higher than for secondary.



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