Agenda item

Centrally Retained DSG 2015/16


Schools Forum was asked to agree the proposed centrally held budgets within the DSG for 2015-16.


This was split into two parts: Cambridge Education (Appendix A) circulated at the meeting and LA retained budgets within the DSG (Appendix B). Robin Crofts explained that the proposed spend profile was similar to that in 2014/15. A number of questions were raised about Appendix A. Jo Rockall asked for clarification of the budget relating to Looked After Children (LAC) and Robin Crofts confirmed that this is a transfer of funding to the Virtual School team to support looked after children in and out borough e.g. in-school support and study support beyond the school day.


Paul McAteer asked that SLP figures be quantified in a future paper.


Helen Huntley asked for clarification about the work of consultants doing work for SBC and Cambridge Education to avoid repetition. Robin Crofts agreed to pursue this and clarify the relationship between the two. 


Nicky Willis noted that, whilst the figures remain the same as the previous year, this represents a cut in real terms because of the growth in new schools.


The centrally retained 15/16 budget figure for Cambridge Education was agreed.  Further detail is to be brought back to Schools Forum of the allocation of the individual strands of funding and the associated justification for spend.


Coral Miller explained Appendix B and said SBC were asking for £241,034 for the centrally retained budget.  Of this amount £53k was to support the Schools Forum but the detail of the remainder was not clear. 


The bottom line figure of £241,034 was agreed. However, following further investigation of the detail, Coral Miller is to provide a report for the March Schools Forum of 14/15 anticipated spend and what the budgets are likely to be spent on in 2015/16. This will be a matter for final decision in March.


The £241,034 centrally retained money will therefore be held in reserve and not distributed pending the further report in March. 


It was noted that a report on spend under all centrally retained items is on the Schools Forum work programme for July 2015.


Supporting documents: