Agenda item

Matters Arising (other than those on the agenda)


Footpath 35a and b – High Street to Herschel Street to Hencroft Street North -


The planning application for the old shop mobility site and car park was submitted in Dec 14 so the stopping up of FP35a will be done under this application.  JW explained the issues with FP35b, on the other side of Herschel Street running behind houses in Hencroft St North and Alpha St North.  This path is very narrow and suffers from horrendous littering and vandalism with fences being burnt.  The path is cleaned monthly but the littering is so bad that this isn’t sufficient.  JW asked the members opinion on stopping up this path permanently under the legal test that it is not needed for public use or alternatively using a PSPO.


DM felt there could be problems in gating off the alley permanently as private residents would still have rear access and the problems with littering could become worse.  He questioned the motivation of local residents to maintain the alley should it be gated as many houses are rented out.  Members also queried who would maintain the light columns if it is stopped up.


Resolved – JW agreed to get a usage survey done and that the Community Safety Officer be asked to do some door knocking to gauge local opinion.


Update Birch Grove PSPO –

The automatic gate is working well and there have been no complaints.


Old Bath Road Colnbrook – Disused Railway path –

DM requested this issue be brought to a future meeting.


Slough Arm of the Grand Union Canal –

LAF’s response to the basin proposals plan was sent.  JW will provide a further update after the meeting with CRT on 29th Jan 2014.  The Area Housing officer has agreed removal of the concrete wall on the north side of the towpath on the route to Kendal Close would be a good idea.  JW will pursue this to see if Housing will pay for it to be done.


SE Chairs meeting on 27th January - DM explained there was rather a short agenda, with main item being about running an independent LAF.  There is a SE LAF Conference on 19th May – members to let JW know if they wish to attend.  The majority of the LAF’s attending the SE Chairs meeting were county areas, rural in nature so the suggestions for items at the Conference were oriented towards rural issues.  JW will circulate Conference programme as soon as available.  National LAF Conference has been postponed for 2015 to Oct at the earliest.


The LAF Annual Report is due to be submitted on 30th June.  Members agreed it would be a good opportunity to have a more promotional annual report alongside the proforma report to try to heighten awareness of the LAF again.


Resolved – JW to work with DM on drafting annual report.  JW to circulate the National Annual Report again.