Agenda item

Ditton Park / Linear Park Cycle Path


JW tabled a report on the Ditton Park Cycle path (Linear Park).


Ditton Park cyclepath – members discussed the outcomes of the meeting with CA Technologies on 13th Jan 2015.  A causeway or raised boardwalk was suggested as a possible solution to the flooding at Southfield path.  JW confirmed that CA Technologies have taken on board this issue and will see if any funding is available to solve the drainage problems in this area.  The path is the lowest point and inevitably floods with the surrounding field very boggy.  The new facilities manager at CA Technologies, Fiona Kincaid agreed that the whole route would not be closed if there was flooding in Southfield, but that appropriate signage would be used to warn users. 


IH asked if the Ditton Park driveway could be used as an alternative route in the event of the Southfield path being flooded.  JW agreed to ask CA Technologies if this would be possible.


CA Technologies will be replacing the missing signage within Ditton Park and Terry Purser, Sustrans Warden will audit the signage surrounding the route for any missing signs that the Council is responsible for. 


Record of closures – members were disappointed to hear another recent closure happened on 17th Jan with gates being closed at 3.15pm with no reason given.  JW will find out further details from CA Technologies as Fiona Kincaid has been informed.


JW will inform CA Technologies about Japanese Knotweed.


Linear Park cycle path in Slough – The path has been opened since Summer 2008 with ad hoc maintenance since then.  Maintenance of the route falls between the Parks and Transport teams.  There are issues with the title of the land purchased by the Council in order to construct the path not having been registered properly with the Land Registry.  This means that the transfer of the land to the appropriate department for maintenance has not been completed.  The problem is that the overhanging trees are an immediate problem obstructing the path


DM expressed concern at the Council’s lack of thought as to the long term maintenance and proper assignment of responsibility for this route after having made the effort to buy the land and construct the path.  JW confirmed it was not a recorded highway or right of way and that it was always intended to be a deemed cycle path.  JW confirmed there was no budget for maintenance due to the scheme running over budget initially.  Members couldn’t understand why a problem with the registry of the land would prevent the path being transferred internally for maintenance.  JW explained the problem was to do with the previous landowner and would find out more detail for the next meeting.


Resolved - The LAF felt strongly that with local roads becoming more congested and dangerous for cyclists the Council needs to secure, improve and maintain this important off road route.  The Council should identify and confirm a suitable budget for its long term maintenance and seek to resolve the land title problems to enable a proper transfer of responsibility to a specific Council team.  JW will take this recommendation back to the appropriate officers.