Agenda item

5-16 Funding Formula Changes 2015-16


(a)  That the 2015-16 School block funding formula changes to include the Reception uplift, which recognises reception children that start after the October census date, but would be included in the January census date and therefore would have been funded under the “old” funding rules, now be funded for 2015-16. Last year the number of children was 14.


(b)  That the gains on school block budget increase should be capped by a percentage rate determined by the Council.  By limiting gains we will ensure funding is distributed fairly and maintain affordable within the formula.


(c)  That apart from the above changes, Slough Borough Council should keep the existing factors the same as last year.


(d)  That the Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader and the Commissioner responsible for schools, be authorised to submit the funding formula on the 20th January 2015.


(e)  That the review of funding allocations in the 2015-16 be approved to ensure a fairer allocation between primary and secondary schools.


(f)  That the above decisions be implemented urgently.


The Assistant Director, Finance & Audit, introduced a report regarding the school block funding formula for 2015-16.  The Cabinet agreed to consider the report as a matter of urgency as the school block budget needed to be returned to the Department for Education by 20th January 2015.


The Cabinet were asked to agree to introduce a reception uplift and a cap on the increase school budgets could receive year on year to create a fairer, affordable formula for Slough.  The proposals had been developed following consultation with schools and consideration by a Task & Finish Group consisting of headteachers, a governor and Council officers.  After due consideration, the proposals were approved and the Chief Executive was given authorisation to submit the formula to the Department by 20th January, following consultation with the Leader and Commissioner for Education and Children.  It was also agreed these could be implemented urgently to ensure compliance with the necessary deadlines.


Resolved –


(a)  That the 2015-16 School block funding formula changes to include the Reception uplift, which recognises reception children that start after the October census date, but would be included in the January census date and therefore would have been funded under the “old” funding rules, now be funded for 2015-16. Last year the number of children was 14.


(a)  That the gains on school block budget increase should be capped by a percentage rate determined by the Council.  By limiting gains we will ensure funding is distributed fairly and maintain affordable within the formula.


(b)  That apart from the above changes, Slough Borough Council should keep the existing factors the same as last year.


(c)  That the Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader and the Commissioner responsible for schools, be authorised to submit the funding formula on the 20th January 2015.


(d)  That the review of funding allocations in 2015-16 be approved to ensure a fairer allocation between primary and secondary schools.


(e)  That the above decisions could be implemented urgently.

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